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Cambridge English

Porta Aperta is an accredited centre for the world leading international Cambridge English exams. We are a so called "closed" test centre which means Cambridge English exams are available only for our internal candidates who are attending courses at Helen Doron English or Porta Aperta language schools. If you would like to take a Cambridge English exam but you are not our current or recent learner, you might wish to consider enrolling in one of our courses listed at Learning foreign languages with Porta Aperta.


Cambridge English is a department of the University of Cambridge and therefore has a global reputation for academic excellence.  The knowledge in the field of language skills testing stems from extensive research and expertise of this department, which they use to create exams that respond to the real needs of their users.

Cambridge English exams are recognised by over 25,000 universities, employers and governments around the world. These tests can open the door to international higher education and improve employment opportunities because they are globally recognized and appreciated.

Cambridge English exams for young learners



Cambridge English Young Learners international exams for learners aged 4 to 12 are designed carefully with the aim of encouraging children to experience quality methods of assessment at an early age and to introduce their parents to reliable ways of checking progress of their children.

There are three levels for young learners: Pre-A1 Starters, A1 Movers and A2 Flyers, and each level consists of three components that test different language skills: listening & speaking, reading & writing skills. The tests are designed to make learning English fun and to make children enjoy the learning process, but also to give children and parents the opportunity to celebrate achievements and success in English. For this reason, the tests use age-appropriate activities and colorful images, and all candidates receive a certificate that shows their achievement in the form of one to five shields per component.  Research from many countries shows how Starters, Movers and Flyers motivate children, encourage them and their teachers to learn the full spectrum of language skills and help them see where they need to improve.

That is why the introduction of Cambridge English exams at an early age is of multiple importance: to gain a realistic insight into the child's progress in individual skills, as an incentive for comprehensive language learning in a wide range of skills, to become familiar with international standards of language assessment that will later be of great benefit to them if they decide to spend part of their education abroad and finally, as a recognition of the child’s success which will be a strong motivation for further learning. 

With Porta Aperta you can take any level from the Cambridge English exam suite. Helen Doron English offers special courses that prepare students for Cambridge English exams. Alternatively, these exams can be taken independently of the course, if candidates feel ready for the exam or have taken one of the other courses with Porta Aperta. 

Cambridge English Suite

Download exam preparation brochures 

Cambridge English exams can be taken several times a year at Helen Doron English centres in Podgorica, Budva, Bar and  Kotor. Dates and Fees will be announced soon.

To prepare for a Cambridge English exam and explore the original learning materials please open these links: 

Info about Cambridge English

Cambridge exams

Teaching and preparing/ teachers+learners

Practice tests

Resources for teachers

Learning resources

Info for parents

Cambridge English scale